Nutrient management planning: why does it matter?

Nutrient management plans are a crucial part of every farming system. They are essential for maintaining soil health, improving crop yield, and ensuring efficient and sustainable use of fertilisers.

By carefully assessing the nutrient needs of crops, monitoring soil fertility levels, and implementing targeted nutrient application strategies, nutrient management plans help you achieve high yields while minimising the risk of nutrient run-off and water pollution.

Nutrient management planning contributes to long-term soil sustainability, protects ecosystem health, and supports responsible agricultural practices in an ever-changing environmental landscape.

Understanding the benefits of nutrient management planning

  • Reduced fertiliser inputs: By accurately assessing the nutrient requirements of your soil and crops, our planning approach enables you to minimise unnecessary fertiliser application. This not only saves costs but also reduces the risk of nutrient run-off and associated environmental impacts.
  • Maximising organic manures: Incorporating organic manures, such as compost or animal waste, into the crop rotation can improve soil health and fertility. Our planning focuses on the strategic use of organic manures, leading to improved nutrient cycling, enhanced soil structure, and reduced dependence on synthetic fertilisers.
  • Development of sustainable soil and cropping rotations: We design sustainable soil and cropping rotations that optimise resource use, minimise soil erosion, and promote long-term soil health. By diversifying crop species and incorporating cover crops, you can improve soil structure, enhance nutrient cycling, and reduce pest and disease pressures.
  • Meeting environmental requirements: Our planning always complies with relevant environmental requirements and guidance, including farming protocols, Sustainable Farming Levy (SFL) guidelines, Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) rates for water, cross-compliance regulations, and preferred supplier requirements. By meeting these standards, you’ll be contributing to environmental conservation, protecting water quality, and maintaining good standing within the industry.

What does our nutrient management planning process look like?

Our nutrient management planning process begins with a thorough interpretation of soil test results, taking into account cropping, yield targets, and environmental constraints.

The combination of advanced software and the expertise of FACTS qualified advisors, means the data analysis leads to we comprehensive fertiliser recommendations that are tailored to your farm.

We use Farmwise, a nationally recognized software package that empowers our farm customers to actively participate – allowing you to adjust recommendations throughout the growing season as factors such as weather conditions and crop growth change. By providing this real-time adaptability, Farmwise ensures that nutrient management strategies can be fine-tuned and respond to the dynamic nature of farming operations.

Expert nutrient management advisers

Our nutrient management planning service is provided by FACTS qualified staff, ensuring accuracy and reliability in the recommendations provided.

The combination of advanced technology, thorough analysis, and qualified personnel means we can deliver precise and tailored nutrient management plans for your farm.

Get started with your nutrient management planning.