
The British government have set out a 25 year plan with the objective of improving the environment within a generation. Using and managing land sustainably is an integral part of this. As a result, British agriculture is set to undergo some dramatic and challenging changes over the next 7 years in order to achieve this environmental plan.

Farming Rules for Water and Regulatory Position Statement 252 are current examples of this transitional change. At the heart of these plans is the care and use of the soil and the benefits that soil brings to water, air, the environment and production.

Eco Prospects is thoroughly conversant with the rules and regulations that the government has introduced and what this means for the agricultural sector. In the plan it states the need to “establish strategic, flexible and locally tailored approaches that recognise the relationship between the quality of the environment and development.”

We have the experience and vision to put in place some or all of these “approaches” depending on what is most relevant, as well as help each individual farm to understand and apply the requirements laid out in the 25 year plan. This will enable you to meet the challenges that these changes are inevitably bringing with flexibility, based on our 20 years of knowledge.

The basis behind this approach is to measure what resources that you as a farmer have in soil make up, inputs and the target threshold of your cropping. Putting this altogether is done by entwining the three strands to the Eco Prospects business –

  • Soil and Crop Nutrition
  • Environmental Solutions

These strands can be combined or alternatively, can be used in their own right, depending on the individual needs of your farm.


Eco Prospects is a company specialising in recycling materials to land, sustainable woodland management and slurry storage systems. We deliver three core divisions:

  • Waste to land consultancy
  • Sustainable woodland management
  • Slurry storage systems
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